Specifying Residential Upholstered Furniture to Safeguard Human Health
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Is it possible to specify residential upholstered furniture that protects people from both fire and chemical hazards? This course explores this issue and highlights research related to fire barrier technology.
Continuing Education Approvals
- 1 IDCEC CEU | HSW | CC-115987 (Your CEU will be reported to IDCEC on your behalf)
- 1 GBCI CE Hour | Course Number: 09200025447 (Please self-report GBCI credit hours. Certificate of completion provided)
This course explores specifying residential upholstered furniture that protects from fire and chemical hazards:
- Part 1 covers the need for safer residential upholstered furniture and the designer’s role.
- Part 2 explores flame retardants and their potential impact on health.
- Part 3 examines the role of furniture in residential fires.
- Part 4 describes strategies for evaluating furniture’s ignition resistance and flammability standards history.
- Part 5 highlights the research related to strategies for slowing ignition, focusing on the superior performance of a fire barrier.
- Part 6 covers fire barrier technology and how to specify residential upholstered furniture to safeguard human health.
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The content in this course has been provided solely by an outside resource and has not been created or developed by ASID Education Services.
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What You Will Learn
- Describe common flame retardants used in residential upholstered furniture and their impact on human health.
- Explain the role of upholstered furniture in residential fires.
- Discuss various strategies for evaluating ignition resistance in residential upholstered furniture and the history of flammability standards.
- Summarize the role of a fire barrier in slowing ignition and safeguarding human health.
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Access Period: One year after registration.

Specifying Residential Upholstered Furniture to Safeguard Human Health Course
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package.
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Once you launch the course you will be prompted through the content in order. Although you can skip ahead, you must view all sections and pass a quiz at the end with a score of at least 80% to earn CEU credit.
Course Evaluation Survey
3 Questions
3 Questions
Please complete the survey to receive your course completion certificate.
Course Completion and Credit Certificate
1.0 IDCEC CEU HSW credit | Certificate available
1.0 IDCEC CEU HSW credit | Certificate available
1 IDCEC CEU | HSW and 1 GBCI CE awarded upon successful completion of the course.
REPORTING: ASID will report CEUs earned directly to IDCEC on your behalf if you have an IDCEC number.
GBCI credit Reporting: Please use the certificate to self-report.